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MarsMoonstone-Handmade Stone Jewelry

     Welcome to Marsmoonstone Jewelry site. My handmade jewelry is unique pieces made using stones, gems, and crystal beads that I have collected over many years. The designs are original and many of the stones I use make me feel good when I make them and also when I wear them.

     I have also included on my site many of the most interesting folklore stories that have been passed down for centuries about how other people have used stones and stone jewelry in their everyday life. In my blog I will be sharing personal experiences collecting rocks and also the locations of where you can collect the stones in nature. Life is an adventure, so join me.


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Welcome to Marsmoonstone Jewelry, a place of powerful healing stones that will transform your body, mind, and spirit. It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to one of the most powerful Reiki healers I have ever met. Marsha’s healing abilities cross many modalities, and her gemstone creations are one such modality.


All her life she has loved collecting these healing stones. This love of collecting is what began her healing journey. She will be sharing some of her favorite collecting sites with you in case you want to collect them, too. For those of you who prefer to wear the stones, her passion for stone collecting is incorporated into each piece of jewelry. It’s her own healing energy that is infused into these pieces of art. She handpicks the beads that speak to her – some to the point of rendering her speechless as she works on the piece – their energy is that powerful. She is drawn only to stones that have very powerful healing essences. It is her love and working with these healing essences that draw her to designing the uniqueness of each piece.


I have collected natural stone jewelry for many years, and Marsha’s pieces are the only ones that literally speak to me over the internet waves. They literally call to me for the healing they can offer to me at that time. Once I bought a Carnelian set that was calling to me. Carnelian stones are a great healer of the sacral chakra. Not knowing at the time I had a tumor in the sacral chakra region, I was blown away when I felt this huge force of healing energy in the sacral chakra immediately after putting on the set. I wore that set until the physical sensations stopped.


As you explore the beautiful healing pieces presented on this website, take a deep breath, and try to feel them. Each description will explain their healing properties, what chakra(s) are aligned with the stones used, what the stones’ other healing properties are, and a fun historical depiction of how they were used in ancient times. All stones have living energy to them, with varying healing vibrations. For example, hematite has a dense, heavy vibration. If you are feeling ungrounded, unfocused, or scattered, the dense vibrations of this stone will work with your root chakra and begin the balancing of any blockage residing there. You will begin to feel grounded, focused, and centered when wearing this powerful stone.


Each of Marsha’s pieces is inspired through Spirit: the design, what stones to include, the size, etc. They have each been blessed with a healing imprint just for you. So, let all of your senses enjoy learning about each piece. Does the color speak to you? Or the stone’s unique energy? The combination of stones used? Maybe you can’t put your finger on it but the piece just calls to you, as they do for me.


I have given many of Marsha’s pieces as healing gifts. I’ve had a lot of positive feedback about how they’ve helped the recipients.


I am a devoted collector of Marsha’s powerful healing jewelry. I have always trusted my gut when adding to my pieces. I’ve never been disappointed. They move me, heal me, elevate my energies, and help me feel a spiritual connection.


Enjoy this journey of discovery and healing. I wish you many years of enjoyment from these beautiful healing spiritual pieces of art.



Reiki Master, Licensed Massage Therapist

The devoted wearer of MarsMoonstone jewelry

Chinese Turquoise and Pen Shell

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Chinese Turquoise and Pen Shell from New Mexico

I sent my buyer on an adventure while she was visiting Albuquerque. I asked her to find me dark brown Pen Shell and see what kind of Turquoise that may be still around that area. When we lived in the Southwest for many years we could go to the San Felipe Pueblo and buy Pen Shell direct from them. Of course, those were the booming days of Turquoise, Coral and Pen Shell jewelry.

While Jenn was in the oldest bead shop in Albuquerque she asked the owner if he had any good Turquoise and Pen Shell. She was sending me pictures of what he had on display but I kept saying no, no thank you. Then he started bringing out items from his vault, wow, some very good pictures of items were being sent to me. He had some vintage Pen Shell from the old days, from the pueblo. The price was still about what we paid for it back then. He had 18 strands and I immediately said yes, buy them all. Then he started also showing her some red carved Jasper roses that I have also been having problems finding at shows. I bought all he had of them also.

Then he remembered a Turquoise necklace that he had gotten from a woman who traded him money for it. She was Vietnamese and had bought it in China a long time ago. It was five strands. After I saw the picture I was certain the Turquoise was out of an active mine in the Hubei Province. I have been researching the Turquoise from that area in China because the closing of most mines in the US have increased the value of the Chinese Turquoise. It has also become very popular in China.

I told Jenn to ask him for a price and he said $100.00. I was thinking that he meant $100.00 a strand but come to find out it was for the entire necklace. Without any hesitation I said yes and yes please.

It was a very exciting day for both Jenn and I.

The Tale of Tailings

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A Tale about Tailings

On my website I have a drop down called “Stones I use in my jewelry”. I share how the gems make me feel when I wear them or use them in my Reiki treatments. Also, I touch on folklore of the stones and where to collect if someone is interested in going out into Nature and finding their own specimens.

Carly from does my proofing of my writings in trade for jewelry. She called me to give her report and one of the questions she asked me was about tailings. Not being a rock hound herself she asked if others may know what I am talking about. We chatted about tailings and I began to question even the spelling, realizing that I have never written about tailings, only had the experience of going and collecting around old mines. My spelling is correct. Smile.

Tailings are also called mine dumps, slimes, tails and slickens. They are the materials left over after the process of separating the valuable fraction from the ore being mined. As it ends up the left overs usually have wonderful beautiful specimens of gems that are not being mined.

One of my first experiences collecting in a tailing was outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was a very old mine that had been closed for many years. It was a bright sunny day and we climbed the mounds using our rock picks and started moving bits of the soil looking for Pyrite.

In my writing about where to collect Hematite I mention Ishpeming, Michigan as a convenient place where you can find Hematite. Around that area are many old shut down mines where you can collect from the tailings.

The exciting thing about collecting from the tailings, is that every year you can return to the site and collect more because of the erosion caused by winter weather.


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While visiting a closed mine near Socorro, New Mexico I encounter the most radiant rooms that were covered in purple, blue, green, yellow, pink and clear Fluorite.  I was crawling on my hands and knees in the dark, slightly aware that there could be Rattle Snakes in the dark rooms.  The radiance of the Fluorite with our flash lights brought it to life as truly a gift from nature and I forgot about the Rattle Snake danger.

Fast forward with me to the future and I am a Reiki Master beginning to understand the energies that stones have that many cultures have used for centuries.

Fast forward with me again and I am working in a very stressful corporate world job and found that I was making and wearing Fluorite necklaces often just knowing that they may neutralize all negative energies in that kind of situation. As I was making them I thought back and understood that the snakes would have been mesmerized just living so close to that much Fluorite.

So, if you are experiencing snakes in your life, I would recommend you wear a radiant Fluorite necklace made from very colorful specimens of highest quality stone I can fine.

Day one of New Beginnings

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Welcome to my new website. Before I retired I went to many Gem and Bead shows in the Portland, Oregon area. I loved the feel of the stones and began purchasing beads to make jewelry for my own use. In the beginning I wanted Jewelry to make me feel good and protect me from negative energy in the corporate job I held. Also I was looking in the direction of my pending retirement and fell in love with Moonstones. Moonstones are my “New Beginnings“. Of course I now wear necklaces and earrings made with a variety of stones but they all have a special gift I receive when I wear them. I hope you enjoy my journey.

Moonstone with Rubies will catch an eye and may lead to a new beginning in your love life.  Moonstone also calms your emotions so you may “follow your bliss”

Moonstone and crushed Pink Sapphires help you find new beginnings in your love life.

Wearing Moonstone Earrings especially at the time of the  full moon will promote intuition and empathy.

All I can say is “Woo La La”!

This Moonstone is some of the most beautiful that I have come across.

A very powerful necklace.